My SUPY Story

I was born & raised in sunny South Florida, on the east cost near the beaches. I spent a ton of time at the beach, in a pool, lakes, dipping my toes in wherever I could. I love the water as most Floridians do! My best friend since childhood introduced me to SUP in my 20's and it was HARD... keeping afloat on choppy waters is no easy feat! I enjoyed it though. I had also been practicing yoga for many years by that time although never tried the two together. 

Fast forward a few years later I moved to landlocked Pinehurst, NC where the water is not as easily accessed and I hadn't realized how much I would miss it. I spent the first summer here dry...kind of a bummer! Although this place and its Southern charm had definitely grown on me. I searched for ways to get outdoors, to cool off and enjoy my practice. I knew I was meant to create something, to bring something to the community. I loved the water and loved yoga even more! It was a no brainer, I started researching SUP Yoga training's and within the next 6 months I was certified, started building a business plan, breaking down barriers and allowing SUP-Pines to unfold. 

I feel refreshed, invigorated, and anew after a SUPY practice. I am at home, I am a SUPY teacher! Come with me on this journey to take your practice to the water...